Jack and Sam's

Dangerous Thing #4: Kiss Hello Like the French

In Uncategorized on April 6, 2010 at 1:11 am

Faire la bise

Location: Austin, Tx.
Date: April 5, 2010
Object: Deux persons et deux joue

I admit, it’s hardly hard to do, I am a Francophile. J’adore everything French! Sam and I have been having a blast reading Le Petit Nicholas series and we went to see A Town Called Panic at the Alamo… I think he has the Paris bug as he’s asked to visit! So he was game to try Dangerous thing #4 on for the camera.

It was shocking to learn we have been attempting this sassy greeting w/o the sage guidance and context of Gever Tulley. As opposed to our doing it privately, it became far more silly when we were mugging for the camera. Sam is intent on actually kissing my cheek, which goes against the directions, but rules are made to be broken, non?

In the end he made like the French.

His review of the experience? “It didn’t count because we aren’t strangers.” Well, I am more than happy to indulge him if he suggests we must go to the land of liberté, egalité, fraternité, to get this one right.

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